Friday, September 4, 2015

The Truth About Modifiable Risk Factors

Modifiable risk factors have a place in the serenity prayer above.  They fit well in the courage category because modifiable risk factors are things you can change.  Non-modifiable risk factors cannot be changed.  I'm learning the difference between the two and what I need to do to get myself out of the high risk category when it comes to health.  I have a choice to modify or die.  I choose modify.  Mikey likes it.  So does the Mrs.

If you're interested in learning more about your modifiable risk factors, the first step is to take a health assessment and find out what's modifiable and what's not.  Your doctor can help you with this.  You're ready for the next step when you get your list of modifiable risk factors.  This is where courage comes in.  Do what you need to do to eliminate all the modifiable risk factors on your list.  These factors are your to do list.  Get busy.  They're your road map to great health.  Have a great day.

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