Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Make This Month a September to Remember

School's back in session.  The leaves are getting ready to change color.  And this is your opportunity to make this month a September to remember.  Why?  Because today is the first day of the rest of your life.  It's your opportunity to make a change in your life that will pay dividends for as long as you live.

At 12:00 noon on the second day of September I made a promise to give up eating foods that came packaged with a label.  I gave away all the food in my fridge that wasn't part of my new way of life.  And the extra-ordinary changes began to show up on the weight scale and my blood pressure readings.  This will be a September I will remember and treasure forever.  It doesn't matter how old you are or how far you've slipped from your goals.  You have the power to change your life today.  Have a great day. 

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