Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Your Magical Bank Account

 Some readers may think I'm smoking something again.  Others fully understand the reality of the magic.  Everyone in between may have their own opinions.  This magical bank account, in my opinion is very real.  Some maximize the value, others waste it.  The magic happens every day when this account is fully reinstated.  The catch is the bank can recall the funds at any time without notice.  Everyone begins their new day with 86,400 in new funds.  

This story is rather important to me because a loved one is getting close to changing the account status to closed.  The funds are going to be cut off.  Without getting too personal for privacy reasons, let's just say that this loved one maximized her magical bank account.  Here's how the account works...

Each dollar in this magical account is the equivalent of one second.   There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  We all need so many seconds to get proper sleep so these funds are subtracted from our waking hours.  Check yourself and see how you are managing your magical bank account.  Is there some waste that can be trimmed in order to maximize the value of the account?  The good news is you have full control over how you manage your account.  Let me know how you're doing the next time we cross paths.  Have a great day.

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