Thursday, July 4, 2024

How to Weaponize the Birthday Wish After You Blow Out the Candles

 It's my 64th birthday today.  This is my opportunity to make a wish and blow out the candle on top of my cake.  The superstitious will tell you not to share your wish or it won't come true.  I beg to differ.  The more friends and family you can rally to support your birthday wish, the better your chances for success.  In fact, why leave anything to chance or superstition?  In my opinion, a birthday wish needs full mobilization by you.  I call it, "birthday wish weaponization."  This is not reserved solely for that one wish you make every year before blowing out the candles.  It's for New Year's Resolutions, prayer requests, and any other dreams you have.

How does birthday wish weaponization work?  Put on your war paint, declare war on mediocrity, and make a detailed plan of attack (my action plan has four pages of notes).  Your birthday wish should not go on life support the moment you blow out the candles.  

I did something crazy yesterday on my day off.  I wrote a letter to myself dated six months into the future and mailed it.  There's a note on the outside of the envelop reminding me not to open this letter until 1/3/25.  It's part of a detailed action plan inspired by my latest read, "Dream Big," by Bob Goff.  If you're serious about weaponizing your dreams, order this book today and get started.

I'm not going to keep my birthday wish a secret.  The next time we cross paths, ask me and I will share more.  I will ask you about your dreams.  If we team up, our dreams have a better opportunity to become our new reality.  Have a great day.

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