Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why the Baby Steps Matter

Today's story is dedicated to those who feel like it's tough to get ahead.  I know exactly how this feels.  No matter now hard you strive, you're barely moving.  Sometimes, you feel like you're going backwards when your plans fall apart.  I'm a big believer in baby steps.  Baby steps keep you focused on the goal no matter how far away that finish line may be.  The baby steps keep you in the game when you feel like quitting.

I'm giving myself a big reward for accomplishing all my major goals by the end of this year.  These 2024 goals are stacked high.  Some of them have been elusive due to circumstances beyond my control.  That's okay.  My baby steps are working even though progress is slower than I would prefer.  If you've been following my stories for a while, you may recall the 'Lucy project.'  Lucy is my reward for a lifetime of baby steps.  She is a second home on wheels.  Right now she is only a concept in my head.  I will share more once my 2024 checklist is complete.  The first time my wife and I adopt Lucy she will be bare bones.  I don't have the skill set yet to transform her but I will use the 'baby step method' to bring her to life in 2025.  Have a great day.

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