Thursday, July 18, 2024

Catch and Release

This story isn't about fishing.  It's about how you can use 'catch and release' to simplify your life and create more time to do the things you love but can't seem to do because you're feeling overwhelmed.  This is probably because you are 'catching' things you shouldn't be fishing for.  How much time are you fishing on social media sites?  Why are you fishing online?  What would happen if you 'released' this time and instead got busy doing what really matters?

'Catch and Release' can become a new lifestyle.  Promise yourself you're going to put time limits on useless activities.  Decide today you are going to release possessions you don't need.   Start with that junk drawer where you have a pile of stuff you really don't need.  Get rid of it.  Get rid of all those clothes in your closet you're never going to wear again.  

Having trouble finding things or activities in your life you should let go of?  How about tracking your time for the next 24 hours?  Break each hour into four 15 minute segments and record how you're spending your time.  Think of each 15 minute time period as a gold bar.  When you're done recording, take a look at your profits and losses.  Profits are gold bars that help you achieve your goals.  Losses are gold bars that slipped through your fingers every time you chose to waste time on mindless pursuits.

Don't wait until the end of your life to practice 'catch and release.'  You will die with a pile of regrets bigger than that junk drawer you never got around to downsizing.  Have a great day.

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