Monday, July 8, 2024

What Are You Doing With Your 27,383 Days?

 The average lifespan is 27,383 days.  Is that scary when you think about it?  It was scary for a loved one who got news her cancer returned after a huge win.  She thought her days were extended until she discovered her cancer returned.  May her soul rest in peace.  We kept telling her it was okay to depart.  Instead, she defied all odds and fought with her last breath, entering Heaven one day shy of her 31,390th day.  

The only day that really matters is today.  Every morning when you wake up you are one day closer to your last day on earth.  If today happens to be my last day, that means this is my last story.  Spoiler alert!  I'm hedging my bet by stashing away some final thoughts from beyond the grave that will magically appear when I'm gone.  I may not be able to cheat death but I can certainly throw a punch from beyond the grave.

How about you?  How are you going to live out your final days?  It's not too late to make some changes.  Give up some things that rob you of your priorities.  Say no to activities that steal you from family time.  Say yes to things that make the world better.  Have a great day.

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