Friday, July 26, 2024

Waste Management

Everything you need to accomplish, even your wildest of dreams, is at your disposal.  Unfortunately, much of it ends up wasted and unused.  The more I become aware of this in my own life the more eager I am to take action.  The two resources at the top of my list in the waste management department are time and money.  A good example of this is my last TV purchase.  I went big but not too big.  The TV was on sale.  Sounds pretty good, right?  What's missing from the equation is the true cost of the TV.  This hidden cost is the amount of hours I spend each week in front of it.  This is the opportunity cost.  When I'm watching TV I'm not doing other things that could enhance the quality of my life. 

I'm working on going deeper with my relationships.  This is not easy.  I'm discovering that the time I spend in large groups really doesn't give me the opportunity to know others.  The time I spend in light-hearted conversation could be used more wisely using my time one-on-one with the people I care about.

The time you invest cleaning up your waste will create more time to do the things you want to do with your life.  The money you save by cutting out frivolous spending will give you more resources to pay for the important priorities in your life.  Make waste management a priority in your life.  Have a great day.

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