Saturday, July 20, 2024

Add One Gold Nugget a Day

 I spent an entire day yesterday searching for gold nuggets.  It happened to be a day off from my day job so I had more time to do this than on work days.  It was a sort of time management experiment.  All I can say is the experiment was a great success.  It had more to do with my thought process than anything else.  I decided to place a high value on every 15 minute segment of my day.  If I was productive during the 15 minute segment, I pretended to give myself a gold nugget.  Unproductive time meant no gold nuggets.  The way I measured productivity was in relation to my priorities for the day.  I ended up with a pot of gold nuggets.

Let's say you have three priorities to accomplish today.  Make an estimate of how much time it takes for each priority.  If one priority takes two hours, divide this into 8 segments of 15 minutes each.  That means it takes 8 gold nuggets of time to finish the task.  Hopefully, you have enough 15 minute segments in your day to finish all three priorities.  

The hard part about the gold nuggets is you will find distractions get in the way.  Maybe you end your day without accomplishing any priority.  Consider a day like this as a learning day.  Surely, you can find at least one gold nugget on any day no matter how busy you are.  What if you can set a goal to increase your gold nuggets by one every day for the rest of your life and you become a master of getting your priorities done?  What would your life look like?  Keep in mind you can never go back in time to recover lost nuggets.  You also can't steal gold nuggets from your future days.  Today is your day to work on your gold nuggets.  Focus.  Have a great day.

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