Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Flexibility Matters

 My wife looked at the weather report and gasped.  "Another derecho is headed our way," she said.  I grabbed my phone to see when the storm was going to hit.  This storm threat eliminated any evening activity outside our home.  Our anniversary celebration was in danger.  It's a good thing both of us are flexible because we pulled off one of our best days ever.  

Despite high temps and overwhelming humidity, I made my way to Roehrkasse Meat Company on the town square at high noon for two custom cut ribeyes.  The stillness in the air gave no indication that 80mph winds were on the horizon.  My wife prepared the sides while I tended to the ribeyes drizzled in olive oil.  We hunkered down in our basement sipping on champagne.  The electricity blinked several times during the rapid-fire lightning strikes and the thunder blasted directly above us.  We were well prepared with candles just in case the power outage was extended.  

Alanis Morissette sings about rain on your wedding day asking "Isn't it ironic?"  We certainly didn't expect to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary during a derecho but our flexibility allowed us to add one more happy memory to our collage of stories we will treasure all the days of our lives.  Yes, flexibility matters.  It trumps rain on your wedding day or your anniversary.  Have a great day.

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