Monday, July 22, 2024

The Yes/No Relationship

 If you're a people pleaser, you may often-times find yourself saying yes to too many requests that actually cause harm when you're over-extended.  This is a hard lesson to learn.  I'm still learning how to say no so that I have enough time in my life to say yes to the things that really matter.

The yes/no relationship is easy to understand but difficult to implement.  My recent success saying no has opened up some doors that have been locked for eons.  The best way I can explain this idea has to do with space.  You may look at a room and say to yourself, "There's no room here for anything else."  Suppose you decide to eliminate something from that room.  One thing eliminated means there's now room for one thing added.  

Saying no to requests that are low on your priority list means creating more time for things you can say yes to.  This is not something you do once in a while if you really want to make an impact on your life.  This is something to be practiced daily in every area of your life.  Make sure you don't judge what is good and what is bad on the things you say no to.  Some things may actually be very good.  Sometimes these good things need to be on your no list because once they are eliminated you can replace them with even better solutions.   Give the yes/no relationship your daily attention and you will enhance the quality of your life.  Have a great day.

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