Thursday, July 25, 2024

Challenge Your Ultimate Competition

A wise man once asked me, "Would you rather be the biggest fish in a pond filled with smaller fish or a small fish in a pond filled with much larger fish?"  Think about your answer.  Your personal growth is at stake.  I get super excited when I'm around the big fish.  They have something to teach me that can help me be a better version of myself.  Do you ever wonder who your ultimate competition is?  Read on.

In my opinion, if you're seeking to be the absolute best version of yourself that you can be, there is one big fish in the pond who can help you reach your goals.  Strive to beat this warrior and you will find yourself at the top of food chain.  That ultimate competition I'm referring to is you.  Yes, you.  All you need to do is be better today than the yesterday you.  Look at everything the yesterday you did and make an assessment. What could have been done better?  Be honest.  If you can't find any areas of improvement, you are going to stall.  You may even slip due to your own complacency.  Decide you are going to compete every day with the 'yesterday you' and you will meet your match.  Have a great day. 

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