Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Serendipity Strikes Again

A close member of my family told me something is missing in my books.  I've been meaning to act on her idea but there is so much on my plate these days that I really don't have time for new projects.  That's okay.  The solution appeared right in front of my eyes yesterday giving me and the entire family I met goose bumps.  If serendipity were to strike like lightning, I have been hit so many times that the two of us are becoming intimate friends.  Get your popcorn.  This is one of those stories that seems unbelievable.  I'm definitely all charged up. 

My role at my day job is to serve as an ambassador who welcomes newcomers.  I do my best to get to know visitors by asking questions.  I asked the family of five in front of me if this was the whole family not wanting to leave anyone out.  "No," the dad answered.  "We have one more who is headed to college soon."  The three kids huddled close when I asked the next question, "What kind of work do you do?"  Boom.  Lightning struck.  "I started my own gig when I lost my job and it's turned into something very rewarding."

"Tell me more," I said.

"I narrate books."

Much to the family's surprise, I pulled out a copy of "Live Long and Prosper" and revealed I'm a writer.  The mom held out both her arms showing me her goose bumps.  I motioned for my boss and a couple of co-workers to join our huddle.  I handed my book to the dad and asked him to read the first paragraph from the back cover.  My oh my.  This was sweet music to my ears.  The small group was now fully engaged.

The dad turned around and showed me a QR code on the back of his shirt.  This man is a walking advertisement for his books he narrates.  The QR code led me to his latest project.  

Once the signup process was complete the dad told me he would reach out to me to help me narrate my books.  I asked the hard question knowing how busy I am around the clock.  "How much work will I need to do to get my books narrated?"

"I do everything from start to finish," he answered.  "I will contact you tomorrow."

I flashed my 'live long and prosper' hand gesture and bid the family farewell.  Stay tuned.  Serendipity will be back soon.  Have a great day.

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