Monday, July 29, 2024

What is Your Definition of Success?

 This is a personal question.  There is no need to answer this publicly.  What's important is that you define it and make it personal.  If your life doesn't match your definition, consider small changes to get you closer to the success you want in your life.  

Think of the small changes you need to make as bricks.  You don't need to build a house in a single day.  Focus on a single brick.  Lay that brick.  Repeat this tomorrow.  Lay another brick.  Keep going.  Make sure that vision of success you have in your head is visible.  I like to close my eyes and imagine my personal vision of success.  If you can find a way to lay a brick a day no matter how far out of control you feel you are, there will come a time when all those bricks add up to something special.

If you haven't done this yet, I do recommend you write down your own definition of success.  Put it in a prominent place so you can see every morning when you wake up.  Have a great day.

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