Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Do You Have Staying Power?

Staying power.  This is the strength to see something all the way to its conclusion.  You have it or you don't have it.  A review of your life will tell you if you have it.  What happens if you realize this is missing in your life?  I believe staying power is learned.  If you are willing to learn, you can have enough staying power to achieve even the wildest of your dreams.

Keep in mind that when you're training a puppy, it can't do many tricks in the beginning.  The same is true with building habits that will help you increase your staying power.  Don't blame the puppy for bad performance.  Blame the trainer.  Don't blame your brain for convincing you to give up too soon.  Blame the person in the mirror.

If you're serious about wanting staying power, start small, stick to it, and keep going, one day at a time.  Don't worry about setbacks.  Find others who share your passion for incorporating staying power in your daily routine.  Have a great day. 

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