Saturday, July 13, 2024

Get Out of the Way

Have there been times in your life when you were your own worst enemy?  If you notice what your own actions are doing to mess things up, you can you get out of the way before it's too late and you can make life better for the people around you and yourself.

Today's story may be a bit challenging to your ego.   I can't tell you how many times I discovered I was part of the problem because I got in the way.  There are immediate solutions but they aren't easy to implement if you are stubborn.

The quickest solution is to admit you are wrong.  Admit you are in the way.  Ask for other solutions from the people you are involved with.  Tell them you don't want to be a hindrance.  You will be amazed how others come to your aid when they believe you desire the best for the group.  Make yourself smaller.  Make them bigger.  Check yourself throughout the day to see where the spotlight is shining.  Have a great day.

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