Friday, July 5, 2024

Do You Have Trouble Saying No or Letting Go?

 I still feel like someone hit me on the head with a brick.  That's what happened while delving into "Dream Big," by Bob Goff.  As a lifelong learner, I simply can't resist the opportunity to make adjustments in my life.  When someone asks me for help, I want to jump in and immediately assist.  This can get me in big trouble because I usually say yes every time I'm asked.  I also don't like to let go.  Talk to anyone who grew up in the depression era and you will find similarities.  I'm not here to criticize, only say this is an area of improvement for me and I'm working on this.

Here's the thing, if you say yes every time you're asked for a favor, you will end up blowing it on your priorities.  You will end up not having enough time for your family.  You may get so overwhelmed that you simply freeze up.  Those elusive goals you have been working on never get completed.  You may even lose your sense of purpose.

I made a list of things I'm letting go of.  Some of the things on the list are good things.  I made another list of things I have to say no to in the future.  There are good things on this list as well.  I will be adding to the list as necessary in order to fulfill my dreams.  If I get good enough at this, I may even have time to dream bigger dreams and take on new tasks.  My new mindset is living in abundance all the time.  I want my brain to believe in the impossible.  This is what letting go and saying no means to me – new opportunities.  How about you?  Do you see any merit in this?  Check in with me in about three months and I'll let you know.  Have a great day.

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