Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dump Day Tomorrow

This story is part of my continuing saga in the "things I'm letting go of" category.  Tomorrow is dump day for our household.  Today is "loading up the big things I'm letting go of."  These things are so heavy that they require two or more people to move them.  Perhaps that's a reason these "things" have been around so much longer than their useful life.   Or maybe I was just too lazy to get rid of them.  It could also be that I didn't ask for help to move these things out of my life.

Releasing things is no easy task.  I'm no longer interested in easy.  I want to simplify my life.  This takes effort.  I could spend the rest of this year letting go of things and still not get this part of my life right.  So be it.  I'm going to keep pursuing this until this becomes a lifelong habit.  How about you?  What do you need to let go of?  Do you need to designate a  "dump day"?  Have a great day.

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