Saturday, July 6, 2024

Can You Magnify Your Time?

 Should you find yourself sputtering through life, this story is for you.  It's called the 1-3-6 plan.  If one were to drop everything and focus on this strategy for the remainder of the year, in my opinion, sputtering would no longer be visible in every single area of one's life.  Imagine more free time with loved ones.  Sound appealing?  Read on for details of this 3 step process.

If you could pick the one top priority for your life at this moment in time, what is it?  Write it down.  Place this somewhere where you can read it daily.  This is a long-term goal that you will be working on until the calendar flips.  

The 3 in this plan is for the 3 activities that you are doing daily in pursuit of your top priority.  Write these three activities down.

The 6 in this plan has to do with 6 things you are going to stop doing in order for you to have enough time to do the top 3 activities.  

I would like to add one more tip to this 1-3-6 plan.  This involves writing down the feeling you have when you close your eyes and visualize yourself at a future point in time standing at the finish line.  If you can see this in your mind, your odds of success will increase.  This may seem like a simple plan.  If you can use it to overcome the sputtering, you are on your way to a new life.  Have a great day.

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