Sunday, July 14, 2024

Embrace Change

 The easiest way to stay where you are in life is to keep everything constant.  There is a huge difference between constant and consistency.   Understand the difference and you will find new opportunities.  When you live every day the same as yesterday, that's static.  When you wake consistently with the idea you are going to embrace change, you are going to soar to new heights.

There is a cautionary word about embracing change.  This lifestyle will be painful at times.  That's part of the growth process. I like to embrace change like a surfer seeking bigger waves.  I want to ride the Big Kahuna.  Somewhere deep within me is a passion for helping others do the same in their lives.  The bigger the waves, the more opportunity to grow.  

In life, there will be some who are like you and embrace change while there will be others who want to resist. They prefer to live in the shallow end of the pool forever.  Seek people who are willing to surf into the future with you.  Learn to ride the Big Kahuna.  Have a great day.

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