Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Dream Big – The End Turns Into a New Beginning

Thank you, Joni.  I completed "Dream Big," by Bob Goff a few minutes ago in time to get today's story out by my self-imposed daily deadline of 8:08 AM, Pacific Time.  I sent the author a text message filled with gratitude last week when I discovered he not only publishes his cell phone number, he encourages people in his tribe to reach out.  That's bold.  Really bold.  

Dreaming big is important.  None of us want to close out our lives with regrets.  Speaking of closing out our lives, someone very special to us is about to close out her final chapter on this planet.  The hospice people have been guiding us.  This reminds me of my dad's final days with us twenty-two days ago.  Some people get to complete the final checklist before the sendoff.  Others cross the finish line surprised the moment of death came so soon.  

I'm thankful for my friends and family.  I'm thankful for all the time I get to spend with our beloved Susie on her final journey.  I'm also thankful for all the prayers.  Joni, I'm grateful you are ready to dream big again.  Thank you for inviting me on what will become a new beginning for all of us.  The end always turns into a new beginning.  For anyone out there dealing with a loved one who is in the final chapter, I encourage you to take it one day at a time.  Have a great day.

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