Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Chart Your Course in 2016

If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind. – Seneca

It's hard to believe this year is already five days old.  Many who started out with a list of resolutions are already drifting off course.  Resolutions aren't really designed for the long haul.  They're more like appetizers that leave you hungry if you walk away before the main course is served.  Don't let this happen to you.  Set some goals that you can strive to achieve until you reach the final day of 2016.

I've learned some pretty good lessons about charting courses.  Even though there have been many times I failed, I didn't let that stop me from learning how to be a better sailor.  Jesus is my compass.  When I'm lost, I ask Jesus for directions.  It works.  It's also easier to reach your goals when they are in alignment with God's designs for your life.  Stop drifting.  Get your compass out and do some real navigating.  You can do this.  Have a great day.

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