Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Your Body Through the Eyes of a Mechanic

 Your body, with trillions of cells under the hood and all other parts that come with it, is perhaps the most complicated make and model in the universe.  Although very little has changed since our hunter-gatherer days, caring for your body for extended miles on the road gets tricky without an owner's manual or a wise mechanic to help you.

I'm one of the lucky ones who have a great mechanic in my hometown to care for our family vehicles.  I'm a big believer in keeping our vehicles on the road as long as possible to maximize our resources.  I use that same philosophy to keep my body going strong.  

Since my understanding of vehicle mechanics and body functions may be limited, I'm going to keep today's story rather simple.  I'm pretending my mechanic is explaining what I need to stay on the road.

  • Get frequent checkups.  Only a fool would miss an oil change.
  • Buy the right gas.  My body prefers mostly plants.
  • Rev up your engine.  That means run until you take your breath away.
  • Use the rest stops.  Take a 15-minute break every two hours and sleep 8 hours a night.
  • Check your fluids.  For me, it's water and wine and not much else.
  • Listen to the engine.  The older you get, the more in tune you need to be with your body.
Good luck with staying on the road.  I'm approaching 100k miles with my SUV and the odometer on my body will flip to 61 years on the 4th of July.  I'm going to keep experimenting to see how far I can go.  Have a great day.

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