Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Infinite Space Inside You

 How do you fill an infinite void?  Take a good look around at the people in your life.  Watch their actions. Those who are suffering from anxiety, depression, anger, hurt, etc, etc, are doing their best to fill that empty space.  They have their remedies.  The professionals have a label for these remedies.  They call them addictions.  The problem is that no matter how hard the addict tries to fill the space, there is still room left over.  

Infinite spaces require infinite solutions.  I'm only aware of one infinite solution and I discovered it at a time in my life when I was trying to fill my own personal void.  The solution I found contains three parts.  Good luck trying to figure out how they fit together.  Imagine three match sticks on fire.  There is no way to figure out what part of the flame belongs to each match stick when they are on fire and burning as one flame.  They call themselves the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  They are the real deal.  They are an infinite solution to everything you need.  These three parts can fill that infinite space inside you.  They complete you.  Some day we will see the infinite solution with our own eyes.  This is a time of year when believers prepare for that day.  It all started with a simple birth about 2,000 years ago.  The solution is for anyone who asks.  No one is ever excluded.  Today is a good day to seek the solution for that infinite space inside you.  Have a great day.

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