Monday, December 7, 2020

The Safest Way to Travel During a Pandemic

 There are many risks associated with travel during a pandemic.  Out of concern for my family, friends, and co-workers, I'm only traveling when absolutely necessary for my day job.  There is one travel alternative I'm using daily and my frequent flyer miles are wracking up big time.  I call it "galaxy surfing."  It's a thirty-plus minute guided meditation that involves sitting or laying down with a mask over my eyes while my mind wanders off to faraway places.  I use headphones to avoid disturbing my wife who is often next to me.

Galaxy surfing is soothing for the mind, body, and spirit.  Researchers who study the brain argue that regular meditators show longer telomeres than those who choose not to galaxy surf.  Telomeres are like the end caps on your chromosomes and they serve as protectors.  The longer they are, the better.  You can lengthen them by exercising regularly, eating well, avoiding obesity, and keeping your stress to a minimum.  This is what galaxy surfing daily does for me.  It calms my nerves, especially when coping with the stress associated with a pandemic.  I may not be able to see my family in person but I can ride the big kahuna with them in my mind and this brings me great joy.  Try it.  Have a great day.

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