Friday, December 4, 2020

The Year in the Rearview Mirror

 This is a great time of the year to peek in your rearview mirror and evaluate what's working and what needs improvement.  It's better to do it during the remaining four weeks in order to hit the ground running in the new year ahead.

I know many people who have already written off this year due to the pandemic but I don't see it that way. Yes, adjustments are necessary in times like these but I don't believe in erasing an entire year because the wheels happen to be falling off.  This is the time to fix things, improve performance, and prepare for another twelve months of steady daily work.

Take a few minutes today and write down your top five accomplishments.  Focus on your strengths.  Ask yourself how you can make subtle changes to raise the bar.  Can you do better?  Use the lessons learned from your past so you can avoid repeating the same mistakes next year.  Have a great day.

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