Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Seek Positive Outcomes

 Something special happens when you get all the ingredients for success right.  You already know what to expect when your Holiday meal is prepared properly.  Isn't it a joy to be seated at the table with loved ones enjoying a feast together?  If you can apply the same ideas you use to make the perfect meal for your family to all other areas of your life, you will find yourself in winning scenarios much more often.

I believe the first step in any worthwhile pursuit is to paint a picture of the positive outcome you're seeking.  Picture every detail in your mind.  Something else is also necessary – practice.  Refuse to give up if the outcome you're seeking doesn't turn out favorably.  Try again.  Put all your emphasis on the positive.  Expect it.  There will come a point in time when the positive outcomes you seek actually come true.  Have a great day.

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