Monday, December 21, 2020

Can You Change the Hands of Time?

 An obituary showed up on my FaceBook page today.  It's the third one this year from my high school class.  All three suffered from long-term illnesses.  Aging is inevitable.  The question for today is, "Can you change the hands of time?"  

We have evidence all around us that shows how easy it is to accelerate the aging process through improper diet, lack of exercise, and smoking.  What about slowing the clock down or even turning back the hands of time?  Does that sound like science fiction?

Some things are out of our control.  I choose not to focus on that because those things cannot be changed.  What about the things we can control?  Our diet?  Our choice to exercise?  Our daily habits that promote optimum health?

My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones.  Maybe these losses will serve as some sort of wake-up call for the rest of us.  Have a great day.

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