Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Excitement Builds

My DNA test kit shipped yesterday.  I'm eagerly awaiting the opportunity to delve into my past.  The staff has already reached out to me twice by email to let me know what to expect.  It's rare these days to see great customer service and I'm hopeful this is a positive sign I will get my results in a timely manner.  The company website touts a comprehensive report that covers one thousand years.  I kicked in some extra bucks to dig even deeper by analyzing my father's side and mother's side of the family in individual reports.

Every family has their own unique family history.  While it's fairly easy these days to search the last few generations, it's almost impossible to understand where we came from without the aid of companies who specialize in DNA analytics.  All I can say right now is I'm super excited to submit my DNA and see what it reveals.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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