Monday, December 28, 2020

Anticipation Plays a Role in Your Happiness Journey

 When it comes to family gatherings, vacations, and other fun events, there's not much we can do right now other than plan for them.  Even though we are in deferral mode, there is something we can do – plan and anticipate.  There is great joy in anticipating.  The focus right now need not be on the finish line.  Planning each mile can be almost as fun as the actual miles driven on that road trip to visit relatives.  

Think back to when you were a kid getting ready for summer vacation or Christmas day.  Wasn't that a great feeling?  I recall a story of a prisoner who planned his dream home while in captivity during the war.  He built his home, brick by brick, in his mind.  When he was set free, he actually built his home just as he planned.  Many of the other prisoners died in captivity because they had nothing to look forward to.

In a way, we are all in some kind of captivity right now.  Don't let the current situation take away your happiness.  Plan something fun for down the road.  Pay attention to all the details, just as a bride does when she's planning her wedding.  Have a great day.

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