Saturday, December 5, 2020

Selecting the Ideal Food Program

 Like it or not, you have a food program you are following.  Others can see the success or failure of your food program simply by looking at you.  The same is true with your physical fitness program but that's another story for another day.  Today I'm focusing on your food program and the reality of the results or lack of results.  If you're satisfied with your food choices, congratulations.  You're one of the lucky ones.  I see too many people in my daily encounters that aren't so lucky.

The jury is still out on my new food choices because these choices are new and out of my comfort zone.  The only reason I'm experimenting (again) is because I have a gut feeling that someone else may have a better idea and the only way to know for sure is to experiment.

My wife reminded me this morning that my past food choices have been a good fit and I mostly agree.  What's new for me is the timing of my meals and the addition of molecules I wasn't even aware of until rather recently.  These are molecules normally produced in the body that serve as protection against disease.  Unfortunately, our bodies gradually curtail these molecules as we age.  The loss of these molecules leads to age-related challenges.  The only way I will know for sure if the addition of these molecules in my food program is good for me is to get my blood analyzed.  There is a way to measure the biological age of your body.  It's the inside measurement nobody else sees that inspires me to keep experimenting until I get it right.  For me, the ideal food program is the one that maximizes both the quantity and quality of my life.  I promise to share my blood results in future stories.  Thanks for visiting.  Have a great day.

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