Wednesday, December 16, 2020

How Much Exercise is Enough?

 This is the time of year when many people start thinking about the improvements they want to make in their lives.  Exercise is a perennial favorite.  Those in my age group who play competitive sports have to be more cautious in order to avoid injury.  I believe I'm fairly safe because my exercise time is limited to between two and four hours a week.  I do my best to let my body recuperate after a challenging workout.

Today's question has to do with the appropriate amount of exercise necessary to be considered "enough."  I really don't know the answer.  I do find my happiness index dropping when I dip below two hours a week of working out.  Ponder this question today and decide how many hours of consistent exercise you are willing to commit to when the new year begins.  Be willing to experiment until you find the optimum levels for your age.  Have a great day.

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