Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is God Real?

During our pursuit of a national championship last year, several of my tennis team-mates often joked about my faith.  I was surrounded by high-achievers with astonishing IQ's.  One of my buddies remarked that scientists were about to discover the God particle.  He was sure this would convince me there is no God.  I find it interesting that scientists call it the "God particle."  For me, a discovery like this only shows how God created the universe, not how the universe created itself.  There are a lot of people much smarter than this blogger who ponder the question, "Is God real?"  I think the best answer can be found by discovering who Jesus is.  Consider these questions:
  1. Is there enough historical evidence to support the birth of Jesus Christ approximately 2,000 years ago?
  2. Did Jesus ever tell a lie?
  3. Did Jesus ever break a promise?
  4. Did Jesus rise from the dead?
  5. Can the blind see Jesus?
  6. Can the deaf hear Jesus?
  7. Can believing in Jesus really move mountains?
  8. What will happen to my life if I decide to follow Jesus?
  9. What will all my "smart" friends think?
  10. Is following Jesus the only way to get to Heaven?
I'm a simple man.  I love being a husband.  I love being a dad.  I don't have a lot of possessions.  I live in a remote location far away from my siblings and a large contingent of amazing cousins.  I was at the back of the line socializing with others when my cousins got their helpings of intelligence.  I ask a lot of questions.  And if I'm the last person on earth, I will do my best to help my "smart" friends find the answers to these questions.  Yes, there is a God particle.  It's named after the One who invented it.  And He invented love.  He is the essence of love.  He loves you.  Love may be invisible but love exists just as Jesus exists.  Follow Him.  Jesus is real.  His Father is real.  Ask Jesus to give you the answers to your questions.

1 comment:

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