Sunday, July 22, 2012

Redecorate Your Life

My wife loves HG TV.  I'm amazed how homes can be transformed with a little help from the design experts.  Redecorating your life can be done using the same ideas.  Consider these pointers:
  1. Assess where you are today and decide what is missing or what could be improved.
  2. Talk to a mentor who made the life changes you desire and put your own plan together.
  3. Share your vision with your family and get everyone to buy into the changes you wish to make.
  4. Be bold.  The bigger your vision for redecorating your life, the more results you will achieve.
  5. Don't stop until your vision is complete.
I'm currently in the middle of a year-long financial make-over and I'm following the five steps listed above.  When the redecoration is complete, I will share more.  These steps work for any area of your life needing redecorating.  Make sure to have fun with these projects and don't forget to share your results in an email or in the comments section below.  What are your redecorating plans for your life?

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