Friday, January 8, 2010

Sharing the Story of Zoom

At we are getting ready to celebrate our five year anniversary on March 17th. This means a lot to all of us because so many people predicted that we would be dead within 90 days of starting up. Most of the people who said this are now unemployed. They have become victims of big business downsizing at jobs that they thought would last forever.

This trend of eliminating top employees at big companies has now spread to radio stations that are owned by giants who are loaded with debt. My opinion on this trend is that super large companies lack the soul or spirit that local entrepreneurs give to their companies. There are too many great people on the sidelines. These are people who have ideas on how to make their companies better and stronger.

Yesterday I contacted a reporter for a local newspaper and shared the story of Zoom. He told me he thinks there is a story to share with his readers and asked for more information. Zoom is successful because of the hard work and team work of every individual. For me, the secret ingredient has been the Holy Spirit who gave me the courage to stand up to Goliath, the wisdom to forgive my enemies, and the hope that all of us would survive no matter how difficult the storm. Without the Holy Spirit in my life, my boat would have sunk just as others predicted and there would be no story of hope to share with all of you.

Have a great day and stay focused on your goals. There are only 51 weeks left in this year to accomplish all you set out to do. Keep those sails up, the winds are starting to pick up.

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