Monday, August 5, 2024

Why I'm Paying Cash for Lucy

It pretty much took a miracle to achieve financial independence.  I had to let go of a lot of things.  Possessions.  Warped ideas.  False expectations.  Pride.  The list goes on and on.  The old me always put the cart before the horse.  The old me leveraged like no other.  The new me sees the world differently.  Despite growing older, I believe my vision is getting better.  Perhaps this is because I can stand tall no longer burdened by the heavy debt I was carrying on my shoulders.

The apostle Paul spent a great deal of his time writing letters to new believers who sometimes struggled with his teachings.  Paul warned of 'principalities' that were trying to stop the spread of Christianity.  Principalities are still around today.  In my opinion, they will do everything possible to separate us from God.  Debt is one of their favorite weapons.  If you are struggling with debt, you may be the victim of these powers trying to turn you into a slave.  You may also be hearing voices in your head that are trying to stop you from achieving your dreams.  These voices may be coming from the principalities.  They hate you and everything about you.  These principalities cannot stand your success.  They are jealous you have a body and they don't.  They have been acting up lately.  The heat is on.  I refuse to cave in to their darkness.  That's why I'm paying cash for Lucy (my future second home on wheels).  The good news is that the principalities have a force much stronger than them.  They are outnumbered 2:1 and Jesus is on their side.  If you want to move mountains in your life, simply look beyond the principalities.  Have a great day.

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