Monday, August 12, 2024

Time Target in Place for Adoption of 'Five Star Lucy'

 If you're struggling with goals, stay with me.  I'm doing my best to tackle some of my biggest goals yet including the acquisition of a van that I plan to transform into a second home on wheels.  The bar is as high as my expectations.  If I were single I could get by with tent camping but that isn't something my bride of 35 years would enjoy so I'm going five star with the Lucy adoption.  The goal is to bring her into the family by 8/08/25.  The reality is I need that much time to set aside enough funds to pay cash for her purchase.

A goal really isn't a goal until you go through all five steps.  I wrote about this in an earlier post.  Smart goals give your dreams wings.  They are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time phased.  It helps to put your smart goals in writing for your regular review.  This is what Lucy looks like using the 'smart' goal layout...

  1. Specific – Lucy will be tall enough for my wife and me to stand up inside.  That means Lucy is of the high roof variety.  Also, Lucy will be long enough to allow space for a bathroom/shower area.  The 159" wheel base is the biggest version Dodge makes.  Lucy's age is determined by my budget, meaning she will be at least four years old by her adoption date.  
  2. Measurable – In Lucy's case, my plan is to set up 12 checkpoints to measure how much funds I set aside for her adoption.  As of today, 25% of the necessary funds are stashed away.  
  3. Attainable – I wear a bracelet on my left wrist that sums up what I believe to be achievable.  This is my secret weapon for success.  It reads: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
  4. Reasonable – Some people call this realistic, as it relates to your life purpose.
  5. Timely – I'm using the 8/08 adoption date because this relates to what defines me and my lifestyle.  8/08 super charges my goal.  It electrifies my dream of traversing the countryside and visiting friends and family.  
The vision board I created a couple of weeks ago has a picture of a 2018 Dodge ProMaster 159 High Roof Cargo Van.  The list of necessary tools are for my daily viewing to help me remember what will be needed once Five Star Lucy is adopted.  My wife told me four stars are enough for her to agree to travel with me but I really don't think she should settle for anything less than 'Five Star Lucy.'  

The last point I want to make about goals has to do with what happens when you become a champion at goal setting/completing.  It's not necessarily the finish line you cross; it has more to do with the person you become when you get good at achieving your goals.  My hope for you is that you dream big.  Go five star and never settle for anything less.  Put a note on your calendar for 8/08/25 and make sure to stop by to meet our new family member.  Have a great day.

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