Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two Winning Strategies for Self-Improvement

 If you're looking for a quick way to be the best version of yourself, this isn't it.  Today's story is a slow and steady approach.  All I can say is this strategy works because you are only competing against one person – yourself.  Should you dare to accept the challenge, you will witness a massive transformation in any area of your life you choose to change.  There are two strategies that can be used separately or combined in any ratio.  Here goes:

Strategy Number One – Cut out 1% of the waste in your life, one day at a time.  You already know in your heart that you are wasting part of your day.  All that is necessary is for you to beat yesterday's wasted time by 1%.  It may mean reducing social media time.  I recommend keeping notes about the 1% you cut and track it for as long as you want to compete with yesterday's productivity.  

Strategy Number Two – Add 1% more time to productive activities that bring you joy.  It may be learning a new language or skill.  All you need to do is be 1% better today at managing your time than you were yesterday.  

Be wary of how your brain will fight back when you are using these two strategies and make the appropriate adjustments.  Give yourself wiggle room.  For example, if your brain tells you there isn't enough time to add 1% to your productive activities, tell your brain you are going to focus on strategy number one, cutting out activities until you create enough space to work on strategy number two.  

If you would like an added incentive to stay motivated, imagine what the end of the contest looks like should you continuously lose to your old self.  This happens when others give up on themselves.  They look to the past and see the best version of themselves.  Depression sets in.  They throw in the towel.  If you follow their example, the old you wins and you lose out on being the best version of yourself.  If you are not improving at least one percent per day, you are losing.  Good luck in the competition with your self.  Have a great day.

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