Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Sleep Improvement Tip

 I believe I recorded my fastest fall asleep time ever last night and it was so quick I was shocked by the report.  These measurements can't be done without the aid of monitoring devices like my smart watch.  Drum roll please.  Last night I hit the pillow at 8:45 which is my target.  According to my smart watch, it was lights out six minutes later.  There are many variables that contributed to this such as the number of hours I was on the tennis courts leading up to last night.  I take all these variables into account while seeking optimum sleep.  For me, it's the trends that matter and everything sleep related is going in a positive direction.  Proper sleep at night leads to increased productivity during the day.  Final sleep score last night was 86.    Restfulness came in at 89% which is outside the blue zone by one percentage point.  This was the only area not in the ideal zone.  

When it comes to optimizing your sleep, the tiny steps matter, like setting a consistent go-to-bed time target and sticking to it.  This will be a lifelong pursuit for me.  At age 64, I need all the help I can get.  In my opinion, there is nothing better you can do than to maximize your sleep patterns.  Have a great day.

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