Thursday, August 29, 2024

Why Do Some People Make Goal Achievement Look So Easy?

Have you ever wondered why some people make achieving their goals look effortless? If you were to take a deep dive into their past, you'd probably see that this wasn’t always the case. In my life, there have been some lean years when getting to the finish line on my biggest goals felt like an uphill battle. I often hit the reset button, carrying unfulfilled goals into the new year, only to start over again.

Think about the biggest goal you have right now. What are the odds you’ll complete this goal in your lifetime? 100%? 90%? 80%? Is it a coin toss at 50/50? Will the dream die before you do? I have a solution to help you become a champion at goal achievement.

The key is to give yourself daily tasks that will nudge you toward completing your goal. The more you can break your major goals down into smaller, manageable tasks, the greater your odds of success.

Take, for example, the biggest goal on my list: building a dream mobile home on wheels by Thanksgiving 2025. There are mini-steps to getting this done. Perhaps the largest obstacle is raising the cash needed to buy the vehicle before starting the build. Every morning, the first thing I see on my laptop screen is the ‘Timeline for Lucy,’ which outlines specific checkpoints with target amounts. I may or may not reach these checkpoints by the desired dates, and that’s okay. The smaller time targets help me make adjustments, keeping me on track to reach the final financial goal by 8/08.

The period after reaching the financial goal is equally challenging, as this is when I’ll need to roll up my sleeves and start building the van. The timeline is just over 100 days. For a professional van builder, this is more than enough time. But for a rookie with a full-time day job, it means dedicating most of my free time to the project. The learning process is ongoing—every day, I’m gaining new knowledge about plumbing, electrical systems, solar panels, insulation, and more. My goal is to have a solid understanding of the building process so that when I finally acquire the van, I can hit the ground running.

There’s one more crucial component to achieving your goals: the “why.” The why is your reason, your driving force behind wanting to complete your goal. My why is the desire to spend more time traveling with my wife, which means I need an affordable alternative for future travels. Achieving this goal while we’re still young enough to enjoy it is my top priority.

How about you? Are you ready to become a champion at goal achievement? Today is the perfect day to get started. Have a great day!

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