Friday, August 2, 2024

The Making of Lucy – Step One

 Sometimes dreams come true.  Sometimes they don't.  The difference, in my opinion, is staying power.  How can one get one's brain to have this staying power all the way to completion?  I happen to believe giving your dreams wings helps.  The wings are different things to different people.  In my case, the making of Lucy has to do with plans that are so detailed that the dream becomes a reality inside my brain before Lucy comes into my life.  I gave Lucy her wings on my last day off from my day job 48 hours prior to this story.  If the wings I created for Lucy work, you will see the completed vision approximately one year from today.  This is step one.  

Think about a dream you have.  If you were to break that dream apart into specific steps, what would your first step look like?  I spent an entire day thinking about every possible tool I need to build Lucy.  Keep in mind that I have absolutely zero skills when it comes to construction.  Why would someone like me even attempt to build a second home on wheels when I lack the necessary skills and I don't have enough cash to pull off a project like this?  The answer is simple; my dream is bigger than any obstacles I'm currently experiencing.  I tend to believe I can acquire the necessary skills needed and I can set up a realistic budget that will allow me to stay true to sustaining my debt-free life.

This may seem silly to those who never made vision boards.  My vision board has a photo of Lucy.  There is nothing peculiar about that.  The uniqueness about my vision board is the compilation of all the tools I will need.  Let's label this:  "The Making of Lucy – Step One."  I shared my vision board with loved ones yesterday.  The response was better than expected.  My hope for you is that if you have a dream you would like to turn into a reality, you take that first step and go for it.  Step one may be the most difficult of steps.  I have a theme song to keep me going that was inspired when a three-year-old came home with a picture he showed his dad.  His dad asked, "What is this?"  The son replied, "It's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."  Funny how dreams get wings.  Maybe my dream will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and do something life-changing.  Have a great day.

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