Friday, August 9, 2024

How to Beat Fear at Its Own Game

We've all had times in our lives when the fear of change crippled us.  Just think of a time when you were stuck in a dead end job or you were living in a bad relationship.  Fear is usually what keeps us stuck.  It may appear to you that you simply can't get out because your fear of the unknown is greater than your desire to make changes in your life.

Picture yourself five or ten years from now doing exactly the same things.  There is one variable that you cannot avoid.  That variable is your own aging process.  If you are stuck now, how will it be for you when you are five or ten years older?  If you don't make the desired changes now, will you be better able to do this when you are older?  Will your job outlook be better or worse when you are older?  

Maybe now is the best time to face your fear of change while you are young enough and strong enough to leave whatever bad situation you find yourself in.  All you need to do is motivate yourself using your fear of being stuck forever to beat your fear of the unknown.  

The unknown is where the magic happens.  The unknown is where you learn.  There will be failure in the unknown as well.  In my opinion, failure in the unknown beats the failure to leave a situation that is miserable every time.  If you want to beat fear, confront it today.  Have a great day.

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