Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Power of Two

Did you ever wonder why Jesus instructed his followers to spread the word in groups of two rather than splitting up to cover twice as much territory?  I'm always searching for ways to do things as efficiently as possible.  If I had been around 2,000 years ago, I may have been baffled by the idea of groups of two.  The power of two is beginning to make sense to me.  There is something special about two people working on the same goal side-by-side.  It's accountability.  When one person stumbles, the other is there to help.  

Joni, I would like to thank you for being my accountability partner.  Even though you were away for a while on the east coast, I still feel your presence as I work on my 'dream big' checklist.   

If you don't have an accountability partner to help you, find one.  There is nothing better than having a friend on your journey who encourages you when times get tough.  Have a great day.

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