Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How Sleep Tracking is Changing My Life

 It's been nine months since I began sleep tracking.  My smart watch isn't perfect when it comes to measuring nightly sleep but that's okay.  I'm looking for trends based on different variables I introduce in order to find my optimum sleep patterns.  Like any new habit, it takes time to develop a winning routine.

Poor sleep translates to poor performance during the day.  Quality sleep sets up superior performance.  It's like taking your vehicle to your mechanic for an overhaul.  Regular maintenance keeps you on the road towards goal achievement.  

Think back to a time in your life when you were raising your family.  How difficult was it for you to get the kids to bed?  How did you handle situations when someone woke up in the middle of the night?  Your sleep patterns are influenced the same way as young children who don't want to go to bed.  Allow yourself to stay awake too long before retiring for the evening will hurt your productivity the next day.

My life is dramatically better now that I'm taking control of my sleep patterns.  The feedback I'm getting from my smart watch is helping me to make adjustments.  It's all about the baby steps.  If you're serious about improving the quality of your sleep, take it slow.  Resist the temptation to stay up too late.  Find routines that help you ease into a great night of sleep.  Be consistent.  Have a great day.

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