Sunday, August 11, 2024

Introducing the Voice of Narrator James

Never underestimate the value of a God moment.  I really don't know how it works.  What I do know is that when God inspires the meeting, much fruit is yielded.  Narrator James is one of those special people who makes lemonade out of lemons.  He has been blessed with the voice of an angel.  James introduced me to the world of audio books.  He is a professional narrator.  If all goes well,  you may hear the voice of narrator James sharing my story with his talent for speaking.  

Some of you may be asking, "Hey Michael, why don't you use your own voice?"  One of my sisters urged me to do this a while ago.  I would rather hire the voice of an angel to help me than fumble through at the expense of every other priority on my plate.  Also, I believe in building teams.  I do this in every area of my life.  Hiring James is like getting a first string quarterback.  James is responsible for teaching me about the bid process.  He warned me I would be flooded with offers.  He was right.  I got 34 candidates in two days.  The personal touch puts James in the pole position.  The icing on the cake was when his family visited my day job and flashed 'Live Long and Prosper' hand gestures as they strolled by.  Please welcome James with open arms.  May he and his family be abundantly blessed.  Have a great day. 

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