Monday, August 26, 2024

Joy in the Journey

The first practice of our next tennis season is a couple of days away.  Our second home on wheels purchase is forty-nine weeks out.  The most distant goal – participating in the men's 90 nationals, happens to be 26 years in the future.  No matter where the end zone is located, it's not really the goal that brings the joy, it's the pursuit of the goal.  That's where joy can be found if you have the right mindset.  

One of my teammates told me after we were eliminated from the tennis sectionals in Springfield, "I would do everything again even the outcome was the same."  When he says everything again, he's referring to intense practices in high humidity and out of this world heat indexes.  He's talking about all the sacrifices.  He's including all the injuries and setbacks.  My teammate knows where the ultimate joy is.  It's in the journey.  

It took me fifty years of playing tennis to develop a good backhand.  I'm pretty sure I will need every free moment of the next forty-nine weeks to learn the necessary skills to build our 'Five Star Lucy' van.  If my wood shop teacher from high school who also served as my first tennis coach is reading this, he would surely agree about the backhand needing work and concur on my need for improvement with wood working.  It's never too late to learn new skills.  It's never too late to set goals no matter how many times you have been around the sun in your lifetime.   

I would like to give a shoutout to my wife this morning.  She is well aware that the journey is not ever easy.  I will do my best to find joy daily as we strive to reach our 50th wedding anniversary in 15 years.  Have a great day.

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