Wednesday, August 7, 2024

How are You Helping Your Future Self?

If you were to imagine your future self, what would you see?  Pick any date in the future and think about what you look like.  Do you like what you see?  If the positive picture you see brings a smile to your face, congratulations.  If what you see scares you, don't fret.  That negative picture can be changed should you begin making small changes that influence your future health and wellness.

The best person to help your future self is you.  You are in charge of all the choices you make that will make life better or worse for your future self.  The longer you wait to help your future self, the less impact you will be able to make.  Imagine you are on your death bed.  How old are you?  Why are you nearly dead?  What if you could go back in time and reverse engineer every choice you made to change that picture of the future you?   Reverse engineering helps you understand what happens when you make bad choices.  For example, it wasn't the last cigarette you smoked that gave you stage IV cancer, it was that cigarette from an earlier time.  Go back far enough in time to make better choices and the future you is playing tennis or pickleball instead of being on life support.  

My word of encouragement to you today is to make a habit of helping your future self by asking daily questions about your choices.  Is what you are about to eat going to make the future you healthier or sicker?  Is the activity you are choosing going to make the future you healthier or more lethargic?  Is that new language you are thinking about learning going to make the future you a better world traveler or is the future you going to be upset you watched TV instead?  Keep in mind you don't really need to think big.  In fact, thinking small, when done consistently, will make the future you happy you cared enough to make better choices.  Have a great day.

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