Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prime Time for Your Priorities

Today's story is about getting things done.  If procrastination has been seeping into your life, this story is for you.  I'm referring to your top priorities.  In my opinion, a great way to move priorities from the back burner to the front burner is to reserve your best time of the day for your most important tasks.  I function best at the beginning of the day before sunrise.  It's prime time.  Prime time is when you have your highest energy levels.  If you're watching TV during prime time you are missing out on task management.

Your success using prime time to manage your top priorities magnifies when you repeat prime time task management daily over extended periods of time.  I recommend starting small with one 15 minute block of time set aside for your most important priority of the day.  That's right.  15 minutes.  The key is to build on the 15 minutes once you make this a permanent habit.  15 minutes becomes two blocks of time at 15 minutes each.  Prime time will mean different things to different people.  If you can keep this up and work your way towards 8 blocks of time at 15 minutes each, I have a feeling you will find all your top priorities are getting done.  There is something special about crossing things off your priority list.  It becomes a mindset.  The key is to devote prime time so you can be your best when you want to get things done.  Imagine what your life will look like if you keep this up.  Have a great day.

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