Saturday, February 27, 2016

Battle Cry of a Frugalite

Mel Gibson said it best in his Braveheart speech, "they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom."  I picture him leading my fellow countrymen in a modern day war against debt.  Where are the frugalites?  Are they running and hiding?  Do they choose not to face their debt challenges head-on?  I know first-hand how difficult it is to get out of debt once you find yourself in the muck.  You must stand up and fight.  Today is the day.

Here's an excerpt from Braveheart.  Pretend for a moment Mel Gibson is speaking directly to you about your debt challenges.  Listen carefully to what he says.  When the clip ends, decide if you want to become a frugalite.  I'm going to be writing more about this topic and I would love it if you join me on the road to financial freedom.  Are you in?  Have a great day.

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