Thursday, November 5, 2015

How I Drink My Spinach for Breakfast

I call it Mulligan's Big Cup.  Based on recent food discoveries, I've modified the ingredients to improve the nutritional content and help you reach your fitness goals.  I drink two cups every morning and give a cup to Mrs. Caveman for her early morning commute.  She loves it and the smoothie fills her up until lunch.  Preparation is key.  I start with all the greens – two big handfuls of spinach or kale, two stalks of celery, 1/2 avocado and a half cup of water in a high speed blender.  Add a tablespoon of flax seed and a tablespoon of chia seed for fiber while the blender is mixing the greens.  Once everything is blended, turn off the blender and add two oranges and two bananas.  Mix at high speed until all the ingredients are blended.  Turn off and then add your favorite frozen fruits.  I like frozen blueberries, strawberries and pineapples.  Mix at high speed and serve immediately.  This is the best way to get enough spinach in your diet and you won't even taste it.  Kale will change the flavor so you may want to start with small amounts until your pallet adjusts.

Any high speed blender should work, however, it's important to blend in three segments – start with your greens first, the bananas and oranges second, and the frozen fruits last.  If you try to do everything in one step and you have too many frozen fruits, your blender will freeze up and shut down because it's working too hard.  Another solution is to use fresh fruits in place of frozen.  I prefer frozen because they last longer and it makes my smoothies colder without needing ice.

Please share this recipe with your friends.  One of the arguments I heard when I started making smoothies daily was that I would gain weight.  The truth is I'm 27 pounds lighter today than I was at the end of August.  Weight gain doesn't come from smoothies, it comes from everything else you eat for snacks and other meals.  I'll talk about that in futures stories.  For now, I recommend you drink your spinach every morning in a Mulligan's Big Cup.  Have a great day.

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